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C Programming

C is a building block for many other currently known languages. C has features that allow the programmer to organize programs in a clear, easy, logical way. After learning this language candidates are able to start with their others oops related language like C++,MS.Net and Java.

To develop programming abilities of candidate using fundamental concepts of c programming language.

To be able to develop applications using C


Basic knowledge of Computer

  1. What is "c"?
  2. Variables and Keywords
  3. Constants
  4. Data Types
  5. Operators and Enum
  6. Looping Statement
  7. Functions
  8. Pointer
  9. Union
  10. Arrays
  11. String
  12. file operation
  13. Pre-processors

C++ Programming

C++ is a fundamental course for candidates willing to make their careers in software field. C++ covers basics of object oriented programming. After completing C++ candidates are able to learn advance object oriented languages like Java and Microsoft.Net.

  1. To develop programming abilities of candidate using fundamental concepts of c++ programming language.
  2. To understand basic object orientated programming language to learn advanced concepts.
  3. Eligibility:Knowledge of C
  1. Beginning with C++
  2. Explaining procedure oriented and object oriented language
  3. Functions
  4. Classes and Objects
  5. Memory management and pointers
  6. Constructor and Destructor
  7. Operator overloading and type conversion
  8. Inheritance-Extending Class
  9. Pointes , virtual functions and polymorphism
  10. Managing input output operations
  11. Working with files
  12. Templates
  13. Exception handling
  14. Introducing STL
  15. String manipulation
  16. new features of C++
  17. Object oriented system development

Java Development

Java is one of the best course for candidates willing to make their career in IT software industry as a developer. This course is also helpful for candidates who want to pursue Oracle Certifications. It mainly covers desktop application development, web application development and database communication using Java. Core Java:

  1. Object Oriented Programming
  2. Java Features
  3. Class, Object, Data-types
  4. Loops and Conditional Statements
  5. Instance & Static variables
  6. Constructor & Methods
  7. Method & Constructor overloading
  8. Inheritance &Method overriding
  9. Abstract class & Interface
  10. Access Specifiers & Packages
  11. Exception handling
  12. Collections & data structures
  13. Multi-Threading
  14. AWT Components & GUI Programming
  1. Swing
  2. JDBC , CRUD Application
  3. Servlets
  4. Session management
  5. Servlet + JDBC
  6. JSP(Java Server Pages)
  7. JSP Elements, Directives
  8. Declarations & Scriplets
  9. Expressions & JSP Actions
  10. Expression Language (EL)
  11. Custom Tags
  12. Java Bean
  13. Calling Java bean from JSP
  14. Model1 and Model2 Architectures
  15. JSTL & JNDI
  16. Enterprise Java Beans(EJB)
  17. Difference between JavaBean and EJB
  18. J2EE architecture overview & J2EE features
  19. Application Server
  20. Types of EJB
  21. Java Mail API

Android Application Development

Android is the most demanding operating system for Smartphones. Number of application getting developed in Android is increasing day by day. The use of Android for number of industries is huge and it opens a new door to software developer for mobile application development

  1. To understand fundamentals and components concepts of Android OS.
  2. To understand and develop mobile application using Android.
  3. Eligibility:Knowledge of Core Java
  1. Introduction to Mobile Operating Systems and Mobile Application Development
  2. Android Activities, UI Design and Database
  3. Preferences, Intents and Notifications
  4. Telephony, SMS and Location Based Services
  5. Accessing Android Hardware

Mobile Application Developer Using Android.


  1. What is Angular JS
  2. History of Angular JS
  3. Advantages of Angular over other scripting languges
  4. DOM Elements
  1. Installing Angular JS
  2. Configuration of Angular JS
  3. Structure of an Angular JS Application
  1. Creating Boundaries using ng-app
  2. Data Binding – one way binding and two way binding
  3. Repeating elements using ng-repeat
  4. Using Expressions and NG-Class
  5. Using Controllers
  6. Adapting to model changes
  1. View Componment
  2. Angular JS Scopes
  3. Controller Component
  4. Directives
  5. Filters
  6. Services
  1. What are models and services?
  2. Models with $http
  3. Promises
  4. $http interceptors
  1. Understanding Filters syntax and expression
  2. Building your own custom Filters

Node JS

  1. To understand fundamentals and components concepts of Android OS.
  2. To understand and develop mobile application using Android.
  3. Eligibility:Knowledge of Core Java
  1. Introduction to Mobile Operating Systems and Mobile Application Development
  2. Android Activities, UI Design and Database
  3. Preferences, Intents and Notifications
  4. Telephony, SMS and Location Based Services
  5. Accessing Android Hardware

Mobile Application Developer Using Android.

Mobile Application Developer Using Android.

Mobile Application Developer Using Android.

Mobile Application Developer Using Android.

Mobile Application Developer Using Android.

Mobile Application Developer Using Android.

Mobile Application Developer Using Android.

Mobile Application Developer Using Android.

Mobile Application Developer Using Android.

Struts 2.0

Struts 2.0 is one of the most widely used frameworks for web application development. A strut 2.0 is an implementation of MVC2 design pattern. Struts 2.0 provide features which makes creation of complex components in easy ways.

  1. To understand fundamentals and components of Struts framework.
  2. To understand MVC and how it is applied in Struts framework.
  3. To understand Validation framework and apply validations on application using XWork2 validation framework.

Knowledge of Core Java, Servlet and JSP is essential to learn Strus 2.0. Knowledge of Struts 1.x will be advantageous.

  1. Struts 2 Framework Introduction
  2. Creating Application in Struts 2
  3. Creating Action in Struts 2
  4. Implementing interceptors in Struts 2
  5. OGNL and Struts
  6. Controlling execution flow using Struts 2 tags
  7. Designing User interface in Struts 2
  8. Performing validation in Struts 2
  9. Internationalization
  10. Results in Struts 2

Java based Web Application Developer